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Adding hooks when accessing environment variables in Python

·3 mins

Moving away from environment-variable based configuration #

In my current project, I’m working on moving away from configuring a Python service using environment variables to loading the configuration from another, more structured source (say, a json file).

As part of the migration, I wrote the service’s configuration twice: I kept the environment variables, and also wrote the configuration file. I then loaded the configuration from both sources - and compared. I let that run for some time, and after there was no difference between the configuration generated from the two source, I thought I was done.

The next step was to remove the environment variables from the service’s environment. After doing that, the service crashed in multiple ways. Turns out that instead of loading the configuration in one central place, there were many places which had something similar to:

my_config_attr = os.environ["MY_ENVVAR"]

Better data on using environment variables in my service #

Changing the approach, I had to assume that there are many places in the code which are accessing environment variables, across multiple directories. Therefore, a better solution would be to find all those places, replace the os.environ["MY_ENVVAR"] calls with referencing the configuration structure which was read from the file. Only then, remove the environment variables from the service’s environment (as they won’t be accessed anymore).

The question is: How to find all those callsites?

I have a list of all the environment variables I’m dumping to the service’s environment. This means I could do something when those environment variables are being accessed.

Overriding os.environ #

Eventually, I decided to override os.environ with a similar structure which logs whenever a relevant environment variable is being accessed. Simplifying this a little bit, the code looks something like this:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import logging
import os
from typing import Set

logger: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class EnvAccessLoggingDict(os._Environ):
    _TRACKED_ENVVARS: Set[str] = {

    def __init__(
    ) -> None:
            encodekey=lambda x: x,
            decodekey=lambda x: x,
            encodevalue=lambda x: x,
            decodevalue=lambda x: x,

    def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> str:
        if key in self._TRACKED_ENVVARS:
  "Accessed {key}")
        return super().__getitem__(key)

def main():

    # Override os.environ
    os.environ = EnvAccessLoggingDict()

    # Testing the hook

if __name__ == "__main__":

A few interesting things to note:

  • I didn’t expect that os.environ would be anything else but a dict, but it turned out to be something else (I needed to dig into the python source code to find that out).
  • I decided to inherit from the os._Environ type to keep the interface the same. To make this work, I replaced the various key/value encoding/decoding methods with no-op lambda functions, as the data member, the original os.environ object, had the needed functionality.

Running the code above yields the following output:

$ ./
INFO:__main__:Accessed EDITOR

You can see that accessing the USER environment variable doesn’t trigger the logging, but accessing the EDITOR environment variable does trigger the logging. Obviously, the actual logging function is better is much better, sending an event to an event system for easy aggregation across multiple production workloads.

And now? #

Now I have better confidence in which environment variables are being accessed, so I can follow up and replace those callsites.